Developer Productivity Engineering Blog

Build Engineers on the Rise

In Santa Clara County, CA there are currently 11,000 job openings for build engineers listed on ZipRecruiter. The median annual base salary is $129,000. Why are build engineers in high demand?

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The Develocity Proof-of-Value Trial Experience

So, you have heard a lot of great things about Develocity and you are thinking about doing a trial. Now what?

In our recent webcast, a former SoundCloud developer productivity engineer who has been through the trial experience answered your key questions about Develocity trials.

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What’s New in Develocity 2020.2

Develocity 2020.2 introduces a major new feature: Test Distribution. Develocity Test Distribution executes your existing test suites faster by fanning out test execution to as many machines as you provide.

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Develocity Unveils “Test Distribution”

Does your team suffer from long feedback times because of slow running tests? Does your CI pipeline spend several hours executing integration and system tests?

Having these tests is important but once running them takes longer than a few minutes, developers will push execution to later stages of the development cycle leading to longer feedback times. Shortening feedback cycles can save teams lots of time because there are fewer interruptions to the creative process, developers spend less time waiting for each individual build, and they spend less time debugging problems that occur from compounding changesets.

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Developer Productivity Engineering at Elastic: Avoiding the Cost of Inaction

Like many companies, the software development experience at Elastic was starting to become negatively impacted under the increasing strain of slowing builds and inefficient process for testing and debugging. And, the pain was only expected to increase in line with the growth of development teams, code bases, and repositories. The cost of inaction was projected to soon become unbearable.

In this webcast, Mark Vieira, Senior Software Engineer at Elastic discusses with Gradle, Inc. CEO, Hans Dockter, how Elastic overcame the natural resistance to change their process and toolset by quantifying the Cost of Inaction and blazing a new path toward build engineering excellence.

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