Developer Productivity Engineering Blog


Maven Dependency Hell: Five Tips to Get Out

Dealing with dependencies is an inevitable part of developing Java applications with any build tool, and Apache Maven is no exception. As your project grows, the complexity of managing these dependencies can lead to the dreaded “dependency hell,” where conflicts, version mismatches, and unresolvable libraries disrupt your build. In this post, we’ll explore five strategic approaches for managing dependencies effectively in Maven.

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How Top Banks Handle Flaky Tests

The more quality matters to an organization, and the more tests they have, the more likely it is that some of these tests will be “flaky”. During one DevProdEng Showdown, we asked DevProd experts at four large financial organizations about how they address flaky tests. They agreed that the most effective way to address flakiness in a test suite is “a combination of mechanisms and mindset change.” Find out why these top banks invest in a developer culture that addresses flaky tests. 

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Introducing Develocity Reporting & Visualization for improved build and test observability

We’re excited to announce a new capability for Develocity called Reporting and Visualization. The data that Develocity collects and collates is so valuable for providing insights into developer team productivity that we thought it essential to make it even easier to access, understand, and query. While it uses a familiar toolchain for querying and reporting the local and CI build data available in Develocity, the data is then fed into Grafana, so you can use the full power of a tool designed for visualizing and understanding data.

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Speed up Apache Maven Builds with a Build Cache

A build cache is one of the most effective tools for boosting productivity by reducing build times and shortening feedback cycles. However, many developers are unaware of what a build cache is and how it can help. This blog post will introduce you to a build cache and then walk you through using a build cache for Apache Maven projects.

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Gradle partners with GitHub on supply chain security

Gradle is happy to announce a technical partnership with GitHub focusing on multiple areas, starting with supply chain security and developer experience. With this partnership, we establish a direct connection between organizations and plan to cooperate on integrations between GitHub and Gradle to promote best security practices among Gradle users.

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HiveMQ’s Mission-Critical Software Testing Process Relies on Develocity to Minimize Feedback Cycles without Compromising Quality

HiveMQ started their deployment of Develocity in August 2022 and has seen multiple benefits for its mission-critical testing process. We caught up with Silvio Giebl, senior software engineer on the Platform Team, and Georg Held, director of product development, to get the low down on their experience and results to date.

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Develocity Year-in-Review 2023

As another eventful year at Gradle draws to a close, the team behind Develocity is reflecting on the biggest changes and the greatest wins of 2023. Some things look different going into the new year—not least of all our new product name!—but our commitment to being the leading platform for improving developer productivity at scale remains unchanged. In case you missed some of the more noteworthy milestones, read on for a recap of this year’s most exciting developments.

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