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does DPE with Backstage
Why did Spotify, a world-famous media streaming company, internally create and release Backstage, a Developer Experience platform?

July 12, 10 - 11 AM PDT

Lee Mills
Senior Engineering Manager

Lee Mills, Senior Engineering Manager at Spotify/Backstage, discusses the origins of Backstage–an open platform for building developer portals to more easily manage and explore software from a single UX layer.
Discussion topics
- What is Backstage? (Short demo)
- How did Backstage start at Spotify?
- How does Backstage get executive sponsorship?
- What are some Backstage DPE/DX wins at Spotify?
- Who are some notable Backstage adopters in the community?
Developer Productivity Engineering at Spotify
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does DPE with Backstage

Why did Spotify, a world-famous media streaming company, internally create and release Backstage, a Developer Experience platform?
July 12, 10 - 11 AM PDT

Developer Productivity Engineering at Spotify

Lee Mills
Senior Engineering Manager

Lee Mills, Senior Engineering Manager at Spotify/Backstage, discusses the origins of Backstage–an open platform for building developer portals to more easily manage and explore software from a single UX layer.
Discussion topics
- What is Backstage? (Short demo)
- How did Backstage start at Spotify?
- How does Backstage get executive sponsorship?
- What are some Backstage DPE/DX wins at Spotify?
- Who are some notable Backstage adopters in the community?
Save your spot for free today.
Join us for a free event on Spotify's revolutionary use of Backstage! Discover how Backstage simplifies software management and exploration through a single UX layer. Be among the first to sign up and explore the future of developer portals. Secure your spot now!
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does DPE with Backstage
Why did Spotify, a world-famous media streaming company, internally create and release Backstage, a Developer Experience platform?

July 12, 10 - 11 AM PDT
Developer Productivity Engineering at Spotify

Lee Mills
Senior Engineering Manager

Lee Mills, Senior Engineering Manager at Spotify/Backstage, discusses the origins of Backstage–an open platform for building developer portals to more easily manage and explore software from a single UX layer.
Discussion topics
- What is Backstage? (Short demo)
- How did Backstage start at Spotify?
- How does Backstage get executive sponsorship?
- What are some Backstage DPE/DX wins at Spotify?
- Who are some notable Backstage adopters in the community?
Save your spot for free today.
Join us for a free event on Spotify's revolutionary use of Backstage! Discover how Backstage simplifies software management and exploration through a single UX layer. Be among the first to sign up and explore the future of developer portals. Secure your spot now!
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does DPE with Backstage
Why did Spotify, a world-famous media streaming company, internally create and release Backstage, a Developer Experience platform?

July 12, 10 - 11 AM PDT
Developer Productivity Engineering at Spotify

Lee Mills
Senior Engineering Manager

Lee Mills, Senior Engineering Manager at Spotify/Backstage, discusses the origins of Backstage–an open platform for building developer portals to more easily manage and explore software from a single UX layer.
Discussion topics
- What is Backstage? (Short demo)
- How did Backstage start at Spotify?
- How does Backstage get executive sponsorship?
- What are some Backstage DPE/DX wins at Spotify?
- Who are some notable Backstage adopters in the community?
Save your spot for free today.
Join us for a free event on Spotify's revolutionary use of Backstage! Discover how Backstage simplifies software management and exploration through a single UX layer. Be among the first to sign up and explore the future of developer portals. Secure your spot now!
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