Develocity Integrations
Whatever your current tech stack, Develocity™ fits right in. Develocity offers integrations with CI systems, programming languages, build systems & package managers, IDEs, test frameworks, and cloud infrastructure.
CI Systems
We're continually expanding our support for CI systems. Currently Develocity has enhanced integrations for Jenkins, GitHub Actions, GitLab, JetBrains TeamCity, and Atlassian Bamboo. Develocity works well with many other CI/CD platforms, including Azure Pipelines, Bitrise, CircleCI, GitLab CI, Harness and Travis CI.
Use the Gradle Jenkins plugin to instrument all Gradle or Maven builds to use Develocity out-of-the-box, including Build Scan® for Jenkins jobs.
GitHub Actions
Use Gradle or Maven with GitHub Actions to connect to Develocity out-of-the-box, including summaries published to Build Scan.
Use Gradle or Maven with GitLab templates to connect to Develocity out-of-the-box, including build log results published to Build Scan.
JetBrains TeamCity
Use Gradle or Maven with JetBrains TeamCity to connect to Develocity out-of-the-box, including build results published to Build Scan.
Programming Languages
Develocity supports Java, Kotlin, Groovy, Scala, Python, and JavaScript. Any JDK supported by Gradle Build Tool or Apache Maven is also compatible with Develocity.
Build Systems & Package Managers
Develocity supports multiple build systems so that all development teams can experience the productivity benefits of faster builds and tests and easier troubleshooting.
Develocity supports build tool integration with IntelliJ IDEA, Microsoft Visual Studio, Eclipse IDE, and Android Studio. This allows Develocity users to run their build scripts and go directly from the IDE to the Build Scan®.
JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA
Microsoft Visual Studio/Code
Android Studio
Test Frameworks
Develocity works with numerous testing and mocking frameworks, so you can benefit from features like Predictive Test Selection, which enables you to run only tests that are likely to provide useful feedback, and Test Distribution, to parallelize test execution.
JUnit 5
Cloud Infrastructure
Develocity is always hosted on your own infrastructure for maximum security and network proximity. You can choose whether to use a Kubernetes cluster (in the cloud or on-prem), or run it on bare-metal. Develocity provides streamlined setup instructions for deployment to Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.
API & Data Reporting
In addition to the built-in dashboards, Develocity offers multiple options for accessing the data captured by Build Scan for integration into your chosen reporting solutions.
Open API Specification
The Develocity API includes an OpenAPI endpoint definition, which includes all the schema and method details to generate API client code in many different languages automatically. The Develocity API provides access to Build Scan® and other data collected by Develocity, making it easy to integrate build observability data into a data warehouse or reporting solution.
Develocity Reporting & Visualization
Reporting & Visualization is a composable toolchain that allows rich reporting and visualization of data captured by Develocity. By feeding data to Grafana or another reporting/BI tool, it provides an extensible platform for data observability and analysis as well as customizable reporting and visualizations.